Suggestioni etico/giuridiche nei lirici greci arcaici

Ivan Pozzoni


This my new contribution – on the wake of my strengthened studies on the milesian school, on Xenophanes, on Heraclitus, on Pithagorics, on Eleatics, on Empedocles and on Plato – aims to achieve four interesting historiographic objectives, neglected by the modern doctrine: a] to demonstrate – through close examination of the development of the Hellenic institutions – how, in the history of marginal Greece one must recognise an irrefutable feedback effect between the social context (colonization of Greece and Near Asia) and the cultural context (the writings of lyrics); b] to analyze the evolution of the ethics in the social context of Greek’s second colonization; c] to investigate the inner workings of development of the polis’s aristocratic concept in the organization of the lyrics’s poetry; d] to ensue ancient greek theory of law, aiming at the definition of the solonian concept of eunomia.