Na parábola do Homo Viator (Lc 10, 25-37): a outra qualidade de vida pelo espaço e pelo tempo plesiológicos

Ramiro Délio Borges de Meneses, José Henrique Silveira de Brito


According to the Good Samaritan parable there is a new ethic lecture to the quality of life. This life's quality will be to become a new escathological and soteriological formulations by the Helpless at the Roadside. The life's quality defines a new plesiologic aretology and suggests a very important reception ethic according to the hospitality. The other life quality defines a new ethical sense to the poietic quality of the Samaritan, because Jesus Christ is the soteriological life quality. However, the Good Samaritan carries out different and new dimensions to the life's quality. And the very life quality is the Jesus Christ living in this World. The article concerns the critical approach taken to ethics by the Helpless at the Roadside focusing in particular on the logical quality of life.